Adam Clayton, do U2, fala sobre problemas com álcool e depressão

Adam Clayton  tonight at the launch of Alison Canavan's  Minding Mum: It’s Time to Take Care of You Book launch  at House in Leeson Street,Dublin. Pictures :Brian McEvoy No Repro fee for one use Press Release: Alison Canavan launches her first book, Minding Mum, at House on Leeson Street   Alison Canavan launched her debut book, Minding Mum: It’s Time to Take Care of You, this evening at House Dublin, 27 Lower Leeson St, Dublin 2. The book, published on time for Mother’s Day, is a new Mum’s guide to feeling great, inside and out. At the launch, as a pre-Mother’s Day treat, guests were invited to pamper themselves at the nail and make-up bar, set-up especially for the launch, with experts from SOSU Nails and Couleur Caramel. They were served one of Alison’s signature healthy Minding Mum ‘Mocktails’, created by House for the event. At the launch were Alison’s fellow ambassador for Walk in My Shoes, U2’s Adam Clayton, actresses Aoibhin Garrihy and Aoibhinn McGinnity, Ruth Griffin, Ruth O’Neill, Lisa Duffy, Norah Casey, Brendan Courtney, Brent Pope, Dylan Townsend and author Marisa Mackle. Alison’s biggest fan was also in attendance - her son James.   Alison’s own experience as a new mum inspired the book. After having her son, James, Alison felt over-whelmed. While she found a multitude of books and resources on how to care of a new baby, there was little on how to look after herself as she adjusted to her new role. With her new book Alison aims to fill that gap. Only 25% of new mums report looking after their own health and wellbeing post-pregnancy, but at such a vulnerable time it is vital to be kind to yourself and give yourself time to recover. Minding Mum is a guide to helping new mum’s navigate the busy new world of motherhood without neglecting themselves. With chapters on nutrition, exercise, post-natal depression, mindfulness, beauty tips and much more, it will help new mums build confidence in their new role and create a happier, more balanced life for
Foto: Reprodução/Brian McEvoy

Adam Clayton, baixista do U2, falou a respeito de seus problemas com álcool e depressão. Em entrevista à rádio irlandesa RTE’s 2FM, o músico de 56 anos revelou que se apoiava em álcool e outras coisas para aguentar pressões da vida. “Isso foi um desvio em minha própria vida, e gostaria de não ter escolhido essas distrações. Mas me trouxe de volta e cá estou agora”, desabafou.

O baixista disse que era muito fácil ter pensamentos como “você tem uma vida maravilhosa, o que há de errado com você?”, o que piorava seu estado mental. O músico ainda contou que recebeu ajuda de alguns amigos que passaram por problemas semelhantes: “Consegui pedir ajuda para rever a minha maneira de pensar e ultrapassar isso. Sou muito mais feliz agora”.