Smashing Pumpkins toca com Courtney Love, Chino Moreno e Peter Hook em show de 30 anos

Foto: Reprodução
O Smashing Pumpkins realizou, na noite dessa quinta-feira (02), o show especial de comemoração aos 30 anos de carreira, em Nova Jersey. O evento contou com diversos convidados, entre eles, Courtney Love (Hole), Chino Moreno (Deftones), Peter Hook (Joy Division, New Order), Dave Keuning e Mark Stoermer (The Killers), Davey Havok (AFI), e Mark McGrath (Sugar Ray).
Durante a performance, a banda tocou a faixa “Snail” pela primeira vez em 18 anos, como também “Bodies” com Chino Moreno nos vocais. Dave Keuning e Mark Stoermer, do The Killers, se juntaram à banda em “Cherub Rock” e “1979”. Já Mark McGrath, do Sugar Ray, participou do show com um cover do sucesso de sua banda, “Fly”.
Courtney Love subiu ao palco para apresentar as faixas do Hole, “Celebrity Skin” e “Malibu”, ambas coescritas por Billy Corgan. A cantora também participou durante a música “Bullet With Butterfly Wings”, do Smashing Pumpkins.
Por fim, Peter Hook participou da celebração com “Age of Consent”, do New Order, enquanto Davey Havok, do AFI, se juntou a festa durante a performance de “Transmission”, do Joy Division.
A banda, com Hook, Havok e Love, encerrou o show tocando o clássico “Love Will Tear Us Apart, do Joy Division. Confira alguns vídeos a seguir.
Smashing Pumpkins – 30th Anniversary
01. Rocket
02. Siva
03. Rhinoceros
04. Zero
05. The Everlasting Gaze
06. Stand Inside Your Love
07. Thirty-Three
08. Eye
09. Soma
10. Blew Away
11. Mayonaise
12. Bodies (with Chino Moreno) (First performance since 2008)
13. Snail (with Chino Moreno) (First full band performance since 2000)
14. Tonight, Tonight
15. Stairway to Heaven (Led Zeppelin cover)
16. Cherub Rock (with Dave Keuning and Mark Stoermer of The Killers)
17. 1979 (with Dave Keuning and Mark Stoermer of The Killers)
18. Fly (Sugar Ray cover) (with Mark McGrath)
19. Breaking the Law (Judas Priest cover) (with Mark McGrath)
20. Today
21. Celebrity Skin (Hole cover) (with Courtney Love)
22. Malibu (Hole cover) (with Courtney Love)
23. Bullet With Butterfly Wings (with Courtney Love)
24. Age of Consent (New Order cover) (with Peter Hook)
25. Transmission (Joy Division cover) (with Peter Hook and Davey Havok)
Love Will Tear Us Apart (Joy Division cover) (with Peter Hook, Davey Havok, and Courtney Love)
Baby Mine (Betty Noyes cover)